Order Same Day Flower Delivery in Bristol

Funeral Flowers

Send Funeral or bereavement flowers online from Fleurtations florist using our secure and easy website to send flowers to loved ones for when you can't take them personally. Fleurtations will hand deliver your floral bouquets or tributes to your chosen address and will only use the freshest flowers of the day. Ring us for prices and sizes on 0117 967 0367 or order online using our website. We take payment via visa, mastercard or by paypal.

We not only deliver standard funeral items such as wreaths, single ended sprays and bouquets we can also offer name tributes, hearts, angels, footballs and funeral posy pads. All tributes are available in a number of sizes and can be created using the freshest flowers in colours of your choice. Some tributes can also be edged in ribbon that matches your colour scheme or with foliage to give it a more natural feel.

Single Ended Spray SYM-301
Heart SYM-323
Classic Wreath in White -SYM-321
Cross SYM-329
Letters SYM-340
Single Ended Spray SYM-302
Single Ended Spray SYM-306
Single Ended Spray SYM-307
Single Ended Spray SYM-303
Single Ended Spray SYM-305
Heart SYM-324
Wreath SYM-317